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What is Security

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Lv3: Senior Member
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PostGunshot Sun 16 Mar 2014, 10:37 pm

Security: security from a strategic point has both objective and subjective meaning. At an objective level, security measures the absence of threat to life, liberty, property and core values while at the subjective level, security measures the absence of fear, anxiety, tension or apprehension of being in danger of losing life, liberty, property and core values.
When seen from the stand point of both objective and subjective level security could mean or express the absence of threat and fear in a social system.

International community: The International community is a term used in international relations to refer to all peoples, cultures and governments of the world or a group of them. The term is used to imply the existence of common duties and obligation between them. The UN remains the central part of a global unity.
What we know today as a very well organized international community under the auspices of united nations could be traced back to 1914.Before the formation of the united Nation in 1945, the international community was faced with a very high warfare of nation against nation, and country against country which lead to a very high lose of both human, capital and economic materials. It was this act of warfare which lasted from 1914 to 1918 between allied and axis powers that lead Winston Churchill and Woodrow Wilson into the formation of league of nation with the aim of having a collective peaceful international community.
The league of nation did not last long due to a week system for decision making and collective action. This lead to an outbreak of second world war in 1939-1945 which in turn gave birth to a well organized international system or international community that was organized through the international body known as united Nation.
Before the formation of league of nation in 1919 and the united nations in 1945 the has been calls for a well organized international community by the like of Immanuel kant’s, Cardinal Richelieu in 1629, and Baha’u’llah whom on their own proposed for peaceful international community.

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