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Break! Relief as Trump removes ban on MUSLIMS (PHOTO)

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Lv3: Senior Member
Lv3: Senior Member
Posts : 140 Posts Liked : 17

Postyungcrae Thu 10 Nov 2016, 4:25 pm

Break! Relief as Trump removes ban on MUSLIMS (PHOTO) Vllkyt6l30r17m6r4.be44078f

In December this year the Republican demanded a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

Although later Mr Trump and his allies specified that the ban would focus on countries with a proven history of terrorism and not on discrimination against religion, the call was widely condemned.Videos and speeches defending the ban remained on the Trump campaign website until Wednesday, November 9.The day after America chose Donald Trump their president there were found no mention of his contoversial statement regarding a ban. The page now redirects to his page encouraging voters to donate to his campaign.

The Trump team are known for editing information and scrubbing pages from its websites.After speculation rose that Melania Trump did not not complete her university degree, her biography page was taken down and started to redirect to Mr Trump’s golf course.

Source: http://nigerianewsnow.com.ng/2016/11/10/break-relief-as-trump-removes-ban-on-muslims-photo/

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