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Refraction of Light.

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PostGeaty Sun 16 Mar 2014, 9:37 pm

The speed of light is different in different optical media. It travels with a maximum speed in vacuum. The speed of the light in vacuum, C = 3x 108m/s , is a very important universal constant.

As light travels from one optical medium into another of different density, its speed changes suddenly, and as a result, it suffers a deviation in its direction of propagation. This phenomenon is called reflection and is illustrated in

When light passes from one medium into another, the angle of incidence (i) in the first medium and the angle of refraction in the second medium (r) are related such as that;

Sin i = n, a constant --------------4.4
Sin r
n, is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect to the first.
Refraction of light may be studied in the laboratory using a rectangular glass slab. fig 4.13 shows a ray of light entering the glass slab from air and then out from it, the air again.

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