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Principles of Guidance and Counselling

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Post2go Sat 08 Feb 2014, 9:57 pm

Principles of Guidance and Counselling
Principles could be referred to rules, somebody’s philosophy of life. There are certain basic principles to be recognized in carrying of guidance and counselling activities/services in schools.
These principles include:
1. It should be treated as emergency reaction pattern but as continuous, sequential and programmatic.
2. It should be concerned first and foremost with personal development of the counselee or client.
3. The problem or behaviour focused on, determines the approaches to be used.
4. There should be rapport/co-operation.
5. Dignity, worth and right of client should be recognized.
6. Counselling should be seen as an educational process, directed towards these areas such as:
i. Appraisal of strengths and weaknesses of the counselee, client or student.
ii. Identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the study, skill and providing the necessary remedial services.
iii. Resolving personal problems and improving interpersonal relations leading to better mental health.
7. Counselling is for everybody irrespective of age.
8. Counselling concerned with the present development of the individual. It is aimed at making the individual survive in the current time we are talking about.

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